Sunday, August 28, 2011

Korean Film Festival :D

YAY! today we performed our dbsk mix and mr poly! :D i had heaps of fun today, even without much sleep the night before. but yer FUN! the day started early had to meet emily in the city at 10, planned to go shoe shopping, although most of the shops werent open so emily brought an iced coffee and we sat outside the shop we planned to look in. planning our next moves ;] then the shop finally open :D emily i realised on the bus that i should have brought them == i mean half price..... but the shoes i did want didnt have my size D: poo poo when mum gets back im definitely going hurstville :D

we decided to head to co since we couldnt find anything and ofc jaye wasnt open :P we awkwardly stood outside knowing how people would think of us ;P huy came shortly then david and dan :P we didnt actually wait that long.. so it was all good. practice started but ended quickly, all of us went to buy glasses for mr poly. it kinda took longer then we planned...but we still got alot done :D practiced continued and i was getting really really tired but carmen's dinosaurs fixed that problem :D LOL david we need to get jaye to take the magic protection charm off of crossover! all our spells arent working D: after angeline and ellyn came we set off!

lol at kelvin and ellyn :P our bus was so supportive ^^ heh heh

performing was fun :P people actually stopped to watch ^^ but i felt really bad making mistakes in mr poly =/ but dbsk was alright :) didnt make any major mistakes so all good :D :D ehh heh the workers were telling the boss off, they were like "look he [jaye] does a better job at promoting then you do!" LOL =]

after performance we all went to opera house and danced there it was fun ^^ cause alot of people were starring, heh hehh 3 korean girls realised what we were dancing when we got to the chorus of mr simple! YAY for them and us! :P after that i was super tired ><

we all caught the free shuttle bus. and i dont know about other people but i found the bus driver mean :( we got off at goulburn street and headed to french riveria! ^^ it was cool the ice cream was huge! it was funny watching people trying to eat it :P after it was home time =]

everything was swell today but after coming home i came to the biggest shock. that my science assignment is too short == everyone wrote like 700+ words i havent even wrote 300 == i guess more assignmenting tonight....

food for the day:
-->pepper lunch with carmen
--> a lift can
--> juice from CO
-->....a bottle of water on the way home?
