Friday, February 17, 2012


so today i woke up a bit late but no worries :) got to the bus stop just in time :) caught the right bus ;) but yer... hmm :/ im starting to doubt anything happened in the first place, all my own imagination

first period music we were just playing lateens music for the upcoming parent meet and greet, period 2 english was just more reading...i decided to bring my book home for the weekend to read :) then double physics and this is when my whole like just caves in! IM ONLY 16!! >< >< so yer we started worksheets but there were only 6 questions so it didnt take us that long to finish, instead our whole table was talking about what we wanted to do when we get out of highschool, we all agreed that a 96 is a really good number :) not to high not to low :) just in the middle. then we started talking about jobs and families... everyone was really surprised with what i had ^^ hahah but yer i felt really happy because i thought.... wow i think this might work but then! while this is all happening miss is at the back of the room setting up some frequency thing, so all good we stand around it and she plays different frequences and we see how the wave changes BUT THEN!

miss: ok heres another one, i wont be able to hear this but you will
-silence (waiting for miss to say something)-
(someone): ahhh miss turn it off its so high!
me:.......................THERE SOMETHING PLAYING!!!!!!!
(the whole class): .....O.o yer....

when we returned to our desks my friend searched up online hearing tests......IM NOT NORMAL! a normal human can listen from i think 20hz? to 18000? my test showed...i cant hear anything over 10 000hz!!!!!

THIS IS ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE! my teacher has better hearing then i do!!! again...IM ONLY 16!!!!!

:( sad.

study was...productive ^^ then chem was alright... hahah nothing special just sheets again,

wow this week went by quickly :/ friday already.... hmmmmmmmm

so tired... ><

ALSO today when standing at the bus stop i realised..... i can now sing