Wednesday, January 18, 2012


hahah i already have 2 blog post with the title "tired" now i add a "." :P
so posting yesterday makes me feel like posting today, but nothing really happened... just the usual, waking up at 10, then busing it to the city at 11, i got to crossover around 12 and just sat there.. waiting for the others to get here, jaye started asking me about what i want to do in the future..and well i really dont have a clue >.< life is so... hard well soon enough the crew came and we decided to go... that jap place :) well you all would know were all there! lol then back to the studio to do troublemaker... practice is tiring >.< i cant wait till monday! but that seems so far away! thursdays, friday, saturday, sunday and then monday >< ..hmm maybe i should sleep earlier then.

class started really quickly, well i mean it didnt seem we had practiced for long... and then class started. and the class went really quick too! idk why.. lol and i didnt even get the dance break =.= after class, discussion was discussed, and i guess some problems were resolved? then it was off to dinner.. jaye and i shared a thing cause we were both not that was really nice actually, i mean i have it often at home but it was quite nice ^^ then it was off to meet fresh but i had to go home so i decided to go to my bus stop.. jaye decided to walk me there... which i think is a waste of time since its not that far.. and i can walk myself.. and i have the ipod ^^ LOL speaking of ipod... the screen turned to the side for some reason.. like how normal iphones turn to the side if you tilt it.... in this doesnt turn back... lol

well after some bus came lol jaye couldnt believe that there are 2 394's one that stops at maroubra and one that stops at la pa, he claims that one must be 394a and one 394b... but im pretty sure.. no :) bus ride was boring.. although it was funny watching the whole bus's reactions to everything the lads do on the bus, poor old couple ^^ walking home was funn :) i was lovey dovey-ing my way there :P hahahah

awwww my baby cousin is so chubby now! AND he got a hair cut today, his super spiky now, he looks like a mini budda :) sooo cute, AND now he doesnt like people holding him like a baby, (like how we were holding him when you guys came over) he would much rather sit.. and AWW its so cute cause now when i walk with him he sits like a koala and snuggles under my chin ^^ SAHHHH CUTE! i cant wait till he starts talking ^^

lol my eyes hurt even just looking at the computor screen =.= i should head to sleep..but... :D no