Wednesday, September 14, 2011

one of my friend believes that my blog post needs editing, she actually could be bothered to do this! ^^

my day:
slow start today D: so tired~ even though i slept pretty early.... dad was giving me a lecture on how i could have taken a taxi home last night because the bus is dangerous and that things might happen... i decided to fall asleep. im not listening HMPH. lol when i woke up we were already at school.... ^^ the morning fun :P emily and i were just dancing to KYHD, surprisingly i didnt mind....considering how many times we've done it before.

unrelated comment: wow! we have so many people at the end of KYHD...more then we've ever had lol watching us in studio 3 last night i was amazed... and yet a week ago we had trouble making formations because of the lack of members but many... :D

period one was boring. commerce...didnt really do much, tired to study maths for a math test next period but didnt get much done... the math test! omg there was nothing on constructing stuff!! which i studied! it was just a normal non-calculator test.... hee hee there was scientific notation ^^ lol i feel so stupid, i actually thought that the size of our fist is the size of our brain..... lol jessie said maybe thats the size of YOUR brain :P lol it was actually the size of our heart ^^ history more whitlam... :L jessie! i got up to level 6! :P YAY! we finally use the bunsen burner in an experiment again! :P its been sooo long since we've used the bunsen burner, although we've done the magnesium and hydrochloric acid experiment heaps of times it was funn ^^ LOL our experiment went really weird.... it took magnesium to dissolve faster in room temperature then it did at 80 degrees so....mmm.... lol bridge-a-deen ^^ LOL every time the teacher turns around to write on the board everyone is trying to take pictures :P FUN! :P music we get a sub! well D: we have heaps of work fun D: but i really enjoyed the listening ^^ it was Peer Gynt's Suite no.1 but grieg im everyone knows it, just watch like the first two seconds of the piece and you would know it ^^

it was soo good cause i actually did a pretty good job analyzing this piece normally i cant be bothered :P english was boring..nothing happened

today was...a really normal day.. i still dont know what to do about saturday.... D:

teehee enjoy:

david do you know what song i used? :P